
Mallorca hosts a group if Italian Art Teachers interested in the workshop "Marketing 4 Artists".

Mallorca hosts a group if Italian Art Teachers interested in the workshop "Marketing 4 Artists".

A group of teachers from Liceo Statale “Vito Capialbi” from Vibo Valentia, located in the Italian Region of Calabria, participated in the Training Course “Marketing 4Artists” in Palma de Mallorca thanks to the European Program Erasmus Plus.

The objective is to learn some basic techniques of marketing that can empower their students' professional perspectives. The course led by Sergio G. García
The course had been held by Sergio G. García, an expert in communication in the cultural sector, had been the starting point of the Strategic Partnership Project "Marketing 4 Artists" financed by the Slovenian National Agency CMEPIUS.
The group of teachers arrived to Palma de Mallorca thanks to the long-term cooperation that Karin Callipo of “Education in Progress”, has with the Liceo Statale "Vito Capialbi".

Marketing 4Artists Palma-Erasmus” is a short training that tries to share with creative professionals to learn about some basic, but essential marketig knowledge and skills for effective self-promotion, for example creating and proposing artistic events in alternative exhibition spaces, as first tool to get known by the audience.

“It's very important that art teachers acquire this kind of knowledge and skills, not only for their students, but also for themselves", Sergio G. García explains, trainer at the training course. “The Italian teachers, who have recieved this short-term education are teachers of music, singing, dance and fine arts, but also languages and ICT. Yes, because the different modules of the course can be also taught as professional didactic unit by different type of teachers, i.e. we can teach art students to prepare their CV in their national language, but also in a foreign language, as well as how to monitor the results of the set-up marketing digital campaign. This teaching can be easily carried out by the ICT teacher."

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Some of the teachers, like Daniela Ruggiero, a teacher, and professional dancer, and the pianist Vincenzo La Pere, said:

“It's true that we got awareness how what artists need to promote themselves and their participation at art exhibitions".
“It has been a practical and enriching workshop, during which we got more familiar with Marketing for Artists, as individual and in a group perspective", affirmed Sara Dileo.

All the participating teachers organized an artistic workshop on the 10th of June in the “Cloister of Jesuitas” of the city of Vibo Valentia, with the aim to put in practice what they learned during the course "Marketing for Artists", that is the capability to set up a good promotional plan.

“The creativity and the interculturality that the Erasmus program offers is the key added value, not only for the professional development but also at a personal level", Karin Callipo declares, promoter of the event. “On this occasion, it has been even more valuable, because we have worked with art teachers, who brought to the course their great creative vision and became even more capable to exploit it".